We are committed to:

  • Keeping our neighborhood safe & clean

  • Supporting our small local businesses

  • Looking out for our senior citizens and immigrant community

  • working together as a community to create change that matters

Monica valdes

Monica Valdes was born and raised in Colombia, and has been a resident of Jackson Heights for over 20 years. She is a healthcare worker who graduated from Plaza College as a Registered Dental Hygienist. She volunteered during the height of the pandemic and distributed much-needed food and personal protective equipment (PPE) to those in the neighborhood who were in need. Monica is strongly committed to addressing the needs of the community and is proud to live in Jackson Heights.

Andres vargas

Andres Vargas is the son of Colombian immigrants, with lifelong roots in Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst. Born in Physicians Hospital, now the location of IS 230, he graduated from IS 145, and continued living and working in the community. He proudly ran his family business on Roosevelt Avenue in the heart of Jackson Heights for over 20 years. He worked in the NY State Assembly for 8 years, serving constituents in Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst. Andres currently works in the Office of the Queens Borough President and continues to advocate for his neighbors.


“We are honored to be re-elected District Leaders of AD 34th Part B for two more years. We would like to thank every person who cast a ballot for us; both our elections were very close, so every vote truly counted! We know there is much work to be done to help all our neighbors. We are very excited for the next two years, and we hope we will come together to achieve great things in Jackson Heights, East Elmhurst, and Corona.”

Please contribute to our cause and help us improve the quality of life in our district.